Getting Started
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New Features in 2.0





Music Library




MusicMatch Music Guide


Portable MP3 Players














Add Track to Music Library

  1. Click the Add button on the Music Library window. 

  2. Browse your computer to find the folder where your MP3 or AIFF files are stored.

  3. Select an audio file to add to your Music Library by highlighting it, or select multiple files by holding the Shift key and clicking several files, then click Open.

  4. The selected files will be added to your Music Library.




Add Track to Playlist

You have several options for adding tracks to your Playlist.

From the Music Library:

  • Double-click on a track to add it to the Playlist.

  • Drag and drop a track into the Playlist.

From the Desktop and Sub Folders:

  • Double click on an MP3 file to launch MusicMatch and load that track into the Playlist.

  • Drag and drop an MP3 file into the already open Playlist.




AutoDJ (Automatic Playlists)

There are two ways to create Playlists, Manually and Automatically. Auto DJ creates a Playlist according to your mood, situation, artist preference, etc,  according to the Tags associated with each track. Using Auto DJ you can create the perfect Playlist for a dinner party, or to burn a CD of your favorite driving music!

To create Automatic Playlists:

  1. Click the Auto DJ button on the Music Library window, or go to the menu Controls/Playlist/Auto DJ.

  2. In the (1) Enter Play Time field, enter in the number of hours of music you'd like to create a Play List for. Entering in the number '1' will create 1 hour of Playlist music.

  3. The next section (2) is where you define what type of music to put into the auto Playlist. 

  4. In the left hand column, decide the general type of music, or Criteria, with which to create the Playlist. Click on the drop down list, a list of available TYPES of music for that criteria will be displayed.

  5. When you select the type of music to listen to (i.e, select by Situation) you'll see a list of available options for that type of music.  Click the specific type you'd like (for Situation you might select Dance, Background etc..) 

  6. In the column to the right a list of artists who match your choice (according to the tracks Tag information) will be listed. In the far, right column a list of available tracks for each artist will be listed, again for the criteria you chose.

  7.  To create the Playlist, click the Create button.

To further define your Playlist use the second and third criteria boxes. For example, select only "Jazz" titles with a preference rating "Situation" of "Background" (second criteria) and which are appropriate for "Party" situations (third criteria). You may select more than one category in a criteria choice simply by holding in the shift button and clicking on multiple categories.

"And" and "And Not" buttons.




"And" & "And Not" buttons

The And/And Not feature allows you to either include or exclude that category in your Playlist.

  • By selecting "And", you are telling the jukebox to look only for songs within the category selected.

  • By selecting "And Not", you are telling the jukebox to exclude songs from this category.





Buy CD's Online

Find your favorite CD's by visiting our Partner site.

Buy CD's on the Web





CDDB is a database comprised of thousands of artist, album, and track titles. When you insert a CD in your CD ROM drive and open the recorder screen, if you are connected to the Internet, your program will call up your web browser and make a connection with this site. It will match the 'serial number' of your CD with their records and import all title, artist, and track data into the Recorder screen. This information will cross over to the Music Library upon recording completion.

This feature removes the necessity of filling in all of the CD disk data manually. There is no fee for using this service.

If CDDB does not return any information, your track titles will be listed as Track 1 and so on. There are a number of reasons why CDDB will not return the information for the CD you are recording, the most common being simply that the information on the CD you are recording is not in the CDDB database, therefore no serial number match could be made.

Another common reason is that the user is having Internet connectivity problems, for example they are not online or their Internet Service Provider is experiencing problems. In all of these instances, the information will be entered as Track 1 and so on.

If you want to enable or disable CDDB, you can do so from the CDDB Preferences found under Controls/Player/Settings. Simply check or un-check the Enable CDDB CD lookup service box.



Music CD-related data is provided through the Internet from the Escient ® CDDB™ Music
CD Database. Copyright © 1999 Escient INC. All rights reserved.
Escient is a registered trademark of Escient INC. CDDB™, the Escient CDDB Logo,
are trademarks of Escient INC.





Change Skin

Skins are interchangeable interfaces designed to make your listening experience visually stimulating!  There are a variety of skins to chose from, many of which are new for version 2.0. Change Skins from the Edit menu under Skins.

Select from a choice of skins which have been included with your Jukebox. The default skin is Xenon, which you will see when you initially open the program. You may want to try them all and decide which look you like the best. 




Clear Music Library

To clear the Music Library so that you may create or load a new Library:

  • Select the Music Library window and choose Select All from the Edit menu, then click Clear.

No warning will be given before tracks are cleared so be sure you want to take this action.

Important note: Clearing a Music Library is not reversible. Once you have cleared it you'll have to recreate it. The files will not be deleted from your computer, only the links to them in your Music Library.




Clear Playlist

  • Click the Clear button on the Playlist window.

  • All tracks will be cleared from your Playlist, however they will not be removed from your Music Library or computer. Clearing a Playlist does not affect Saved Playlists.




Controls Menu

  • Previous Track - Jumps back to the previous track and plays it.

  • Play - Plays the currently highlighted track.

  • Pause - Pauses the track  currently playing.

  • Stop - Stops the track currently playing.

  • Next Track - Jumps to the next track and plays it.

  • Seek Backward - Moves back "x" amount of seconds as defined here.

  • Seek Forward - Moves up "x" amount of seconds as defined here.

  • Skip Forward Songs - Moves up "x" amount of tracks as defined here

  • Increase Volume - Increases sound volume.

  • Decrease Volume - Decreases sound volume.

  • Mute - Silences the sound, though the track will continue to play.

  • Repeat - Repeats the track currently playing.

  • Play Order  

    • Normal - Plays the playlist as it is listed.

    • Album / Track order - Plays the Playlist in track order, according to the Tag information.

    • Shuffled - Plays tracks in a random sequence.






From the File menu, choose Convert to open the “File Converter” screen. From this screen you can convert:

  • AIFF to MP3

  • MP3 to AIFF

  • MP3 to MP3 with a different bit rate.

  1. Create a Playlist of the MP3 or AIFF files you wish to convert.

  2. Highlight those files in the Playlist to be converted and click File/Convert to open the File Converter screen.

  3. The Source box will contain the files you've selected to convert.   

In the Conversion box do one of the following:


  1. From the drop down selector choose AIFF.

  2. Click the appropriate action to take if a file already exists by clicking one of the three radio buttons.

  3. Choose a destination for the converted file and click Convert.


  1. From the drop down selector choose MP3

  2. Once MP3 is selected two other options will be available, Bit, or the bitrate, and Use VBR or Variable Bit Rate Selecting Bit will let you chose the exact bitrate to convert to, from 8kbps (very low quality), to 320 kbps (the highest quality).  Remember the higher the quality file, the larger the resulting file size.  Be sure if choosing larger bit rates that your hard drive has sufficient room to store these files. 

  3. Select VBR to use the slider to move from a smaller file size (lower quality file) to a High quality file (lower file size)., 

  4. Click the appropriate action to take if a file already exists by clicking one of the three radio buttons.

  5. Choose a destination for the converted file and click Convert.

MP3 to MP3

Same steps as above, minus the AIFF file.

Note:  Converting "Up" may not produce desirable results.   Let's say you have an MP3 file at 128kbps and you'd like to convert that file  "Up" to 320kbps.  Although the process itself would work, the resulting file will be only as good at the original source file (the 128kbs file).  




Create Music CDs

You can create your own music CDs to play in conventional home, car,  and portable CD players.  (Requirements:  A CD-R drive installed on  your Macintosh, along with Toast 4.1 or higher.  CD-R media is also required).

MusicMatch creates CDs based on the tracks you choose. You may select tracks from either a Playlist, or from the Music Library.

  1. Launch MMJB.
  2. Select a set of tracks in either the Playlist or the Music Library.
  3. Choose "Burn CD..." from the File menu.
  4. Follow the instructions to insert a blank CD-R into your CD burner.





Create Playlist

Create a Playlist to listen to music files. You can also Save a Playlist of your favorite music to listen to in the future! There are two ways to create Playlists, manually, and automatically by using Auto DJ

To create a Playlist:

  • Open the Music Library by clicking on the Library button on the Player (musical note icon). 

  • From the Music Library Double-click or drag and drop on an AIFF or MP3 track, it will be added to the Playlist and start to play. You may add as many tracks as you’d like. 

You can also add tracks to your Playlist from your hard drive.

  • Open the folder on your hard drive where you keep music files (MP3 files), then drag and drop each file into the Playlist.  Click the Play button to start.

Selecting Multiple Tracks

To select multiple tracks hold down the Shift key, choose several random tracks, then drag them into the Playlist.

Deleting Tracks from Playlist

  • To delete a single track, highlight the track and drag it to the trash.  

  • To delete all tracks, click the Clear button on top of the Playlist.

You’ve created a Playlist that you can now Save.

To create an Automatic Playlist see Auto DJ




Customer Service


Contact us through the web. We have many forms in place for you to easily reach the correct department.


If you would like to send us your comments or suggestions for future enhancements, please email them to us at:


If you would like to call us, we are located in the US Pacific Standard Time Zone. Our number is:

1-858-385-8360 (if outside the US, dial 01 first)

Mail (Regular)

16935 W Bernardo Dr.
Suite 270
San Diego, CA 92127




Delete Tracks from Music Library

  • Open the Music Library by clicking the Library button (musical note icon) on the Player.

  • Go to ( Find ) the track you want to delete, highlight that track, then click the Delete button on the Music Library window.

Deleting Multiple Tracks

To delete multiple tracks at once hold down the Shift key and click the tracks you wish to delete, then click the Delete button.





Enter Key

If you Upgrade to MusicMatch Jukebox Plus, or if you need to reinstall the program or install on new hardware, you will need to enter/re-enter the Key you received when you upgraded.

To enter the Key once the program is installed:

  • Choose Register/Enter Key.

  • Enter your Key in the space provided to restore your program’s full-featured status.

Please keep in mind that there are no letter “O”s, only the number zero, in the Key number, if you will be typing it in.

Copying and pasting the Key into the Registration field can avoid any mistyped characters.





Equalizer - See Graphic Equalizer



Click here for more FAQs online

Click here for more FAQs online




Find Tracks

To search for existing MP3 files in the Music Library:

  1. Click the Find button on the Music Library window.

  2. Enter the name of the Track to find, then click Find. The first instance of that name will be displayed.

  3. If the first track you find is not the correct one, click the Find again, and the next instance of that search will be found, if any.

  4. By clicking the Find All button, all instances of your search will be highlighted in the Library. After you click Find All, close the find window and scroll through the Library to locate all highlighted tracks.

Other options

Match complete word - Will find the exact name or word you typed in the Find What field.

Match Case - Will find the word you type in that has the exact CAPITOL letters you specify.

Reverse Search -  from the current highlighted track.




Full View

Full View (default view),  displays the Player Control buttons, the Track Info Button , the Music Library Button, the Volume Control, the track title, time and artist display screens, the album art section, and the minimized Playlist.

The Player will initially launch in Full View. You can choose Small View from the Window menu, or click the minimize button located in the upper right corner of the Playlist.




General Settings

General Settings are to setup default settings for MusicMatch.

  • Upload Playlists for personalization - MusicMatch Jukebox can make personalized music recommendations based on the music you currently listen too.  These recommendations come from the MusicMatch community of users who have also volunteered to upload their Playlists.  Playlists are compared against one another, similarities found, and recommendations are made from similarities in musical taste.  This is a great way to discover new music that you're sure to enjoy!

  • Use MusicMatch Jukebox for Internet Playback - When clicking on a streaming file form the Internet, MusicMatch will become the default player.

  • Enable Tool Tips - ( Default is On)  Displays tips when the cursor is placed over MusicMatch related tools.





Graphic Equalizer

By upgrading to MusicMatch Jukebox Plus you will have access to the 10 band graphic equalizer. The MP3 Equalizer allows you to customize the frequency response of the music output. An equalizer will compensate for different listening environments or personal tastes. 

  • The MP3 Equalizer will, by default, be on.
  • Choose Window/Equalizer to display the equalizer control panel.
  • Click the On box to enable/disable the effects of the MP3 Equalizer.

The equalizer control panel consists of ten frequency controls corresponding to various frequency ranges from 32Hz (low bass sounds) to 16 KHz (high treble sounds), as well as a Preamp control to help control frequency amplitude (not loudness volume).  Increase or decrease the output of each frequency range by sliding its control button up or down. Your setting will be used for playback, once set.





Internet Music Site

Check out the MusicMatch Music Guide on the net. This is a great place to discover new music, find out what's happening in the world of music, and get personalized music recommendations.




Line In Recording

Use line-in recording to record from outside sources such as LPs, 8 track, cassettes, or radio broadcasts.  This is a great way to preserve those priceless musical gems you have tucked away in boxes, by archiving them to CD or hard drive.

Recording from outside sources requires a couple of things: 

  1. The device you're recording from must have a "Line Out" jack. Some turn tables, cassette players, 8 tracks etc. ... have built in pre-amps which allow you to plug directly from the device to the line-in jack on your sound card.  If your device does not have a pre-amp built in, then you'll have to plug into a receiver or other pre amp, and then run a  cable from that to the line-in jack on the sound card.
  2. Speaking of cables. You'll need one.  Most devices have an RCA jack for the line-out.  Almost all sound cards use a mini-jack for the line-in.  You'll need a cable with one RCA and Mini-jack connection.  Simply plug the RCA end into the external devices Phono-Out or Line-Out connection (or whatever is available), and the mini-jack into the sound cards line-in jack.   You can purchase the needed cables HERE, or go to Radio Shack.

First set up the system to accept line-in recording

  1. Go to Control Panels/Sound
  2. Select Input.  Under; Choose a device for sound input, choose Built In.
  3. Under, Settings for selected device, choose External Mic.  Exit this screen.

After you have connected the external device to your sound card on your Mac, open the MusicMatch menu Window/Line In Recorder

At the same time (or as close as possible), click the Start button in Line-In Recorder, and start the external device so it's playing as well.

Line-in recording has begun.  So what happens when you get to the next track? Clicking the Next button in between track tells MusicMatch to create a new file for the next track. Not hitting Next will result in one, long file. 

When recording is finished, click the Stop button. All recorded tracks will be added to your Music Library.

If you decide to record in AIFF format you have the option of cleaning up your recording if you have access to a sound editor like Sound Converter. This will allow you to edit out all of the "hisses"  "pops" and other undesirable sound artifacts.




Listen to Music CD's

  • Open the CD ROM drive on your computer.

  • Place the music CD into the drive.

  • Drag and drop the CD from the Desktop to the Playlist window. The CD will begin to play.





Multiple CD ROM Support

Upgrading to MusicMatch Jukebox Plus will allow you to run multiple CD ROM drives for ripping (the creating of MP3 and AIFF files)  and burning (the creation of music CDs).

Once upgraded, MusicMatch will open a new Recorder window every time a CD is placed in a CD ROM drive, allowing multiple recording sessions, independent of one another. 





Music Search

Search for downloadable music on the web.




Music Library

The Music Library helps you organize your MP3 files into categories that make sense. You can create a Music Library for all of your MP3 files, or for a specific genre (type) of music like Rock, Classical, or for a specific Artist, or however you'd like! This is also the starting point to build Playlists.

Equally important, use the Music Library to catalog MP3 files and help you keep track of important music information like Artist Name, Track Name, Genre and more using Tag information.

What would you like to do?





MusicMatch Guide

With MusicMatch Music Guide you can find thousands of free MP3 files, search for even the most difficult to find digital music, get customized music recommendations, and Purchase your favorite music, all from one place!

By clicking the MusicMatch Music Guide button on the Player, MusicMatch will create a unique Internet connection where you can begin to locate and get all the music you like most!

Here is what MusicMatch Music Guide can do for you:


Discover the music the MusicMatch community listen to most the day before! Find the top 100 tracks listened to by other MusicMatch listeners with the same great taste in music as you.


Find music to download based on your specific listening preferences. We do this through the power of a community-driven matching system that's guaranteed to connect you with music you'll love.

Find Music

Find thousands of great artists and albums by clicking on Find. You can enter a search string, or click on any one of the many Genres available to explore.

What's Up

Click on What's Up to be in on what's happening in the Music Industry, or just learn some cool stuff about an artist. Every week What's Up will deliver the goods for artist, industry, and MusicMatch user news!





Open Music

Use the Open button to open and play music CD's, saved Playlists, or MP3 files from you computer hard drive.

  1. From the Playlist click the Open button.

  2. Browse your computer for saved Playlists,  AIFF or MP3 files, or to select your CD player to play a music CD.

  3. Select the CD drive, Playlist or audio files you'd like to play by highlighting them, then click the Open button.





Open Music Library

To open the Music Library window, go to the Window menu and click Music Library.






Player Controls

Playlist Seek Increment (# of seconds)

In Options/Player/Play Control, the Song Skip Increment determines the “Skip Back” and “Skip Forward” options. The skip will default to five seconds, but this can be set to the user’s preference from the Player Settings screen.

Playlist Skip Increment (# of songs)

In Options/Player/Play Control, the “Skip Back Songs” and “Skip Forward Songs” options are determined by the Playlist Skip Increment. The skip will default to five songs, but this can be set to the user’s preference from the Player Settings screen.




Play Order

  • Normal Order - Plays tracks in the order shown in the Playlist.

  • Album Track Order - Plays tracks in the Album order according to the tracks Tags.

  • Shuffled Order - Plays the Playlist in a random order.




Player / Playlist

The Playlist window is where most of your music activity will take place including creating Playlists to listen to music files.

 What would you like to do?







Portable Devices

After creating a Playlist, MusicMatch Jukebox will allow you to download your MP3 files right to your portable MP3 player. Currently for the Mac we support the RCA Lyra and the Creative Nomad II. However look for additional players to be added very soon.

  1. Connect your portable device to your computer as instructed by the devices manufacture.

  2. Open MusicMatch Jukebox.

  3. Create a Playlist of music, or open an existing Playlist, and highlight the tracks you'd like to upload to the device. (Be sure you know the amount of space available on the device prior to uploading more tracks.  If you need to clear space on the device, open the software it came with to clear its internal memory).

  4. Go to the File menu and choose Upload To Device.  In the Source column you'll see the highlighted tracks from your Playlist. By highlighting all tracks in the Source column you'll get a readout of the total size of files and to the right of that, the total space available on the device. 

    With all the tracks highlighted in the Source column do one of the following:

    1. Click the Conversion drop down box and choose a smaller MP3 file size to convert your files to, allowing you to upload more tracks to the device, Then click Upload.  

    2. Skip the conversion and click Upload.

MusicMatch will start to upload files from your computer to the portable device. If your Playlist contains more tracks than your portable device can hold, only those files that will fit will be added.





Preferences and Settings





MusicMatch Jukebox Plus will give you up to 20% faster MP3 file encoding! (turning your music CD's into MP3 files), a 10 band Graphic Equalizer, the ability to create your own Music CDs, Line-In Recording to record from LPs and other outside sources, Multiple CD ROM drive support and more!

To upgrade from Full Features to Plus Features, from the Register menu, choose Purchase. Upon registering the program, you will receive an enable Key, which will unlock your program. Please save this Key for future installations.

You can obtain this Key in three ways:

Purchase by Internet

If you want the fastest, most efficient way to upgrade, we suggest you Purchase by Internet. Selecting this option will launch your web browser and take you to a registration form on the MusicMatch web site. This may take a few moments. Your personal and credit card information will be processed though the Secure Internet Commerce system and an enable Key generated for your immediate use of the full-featured MusicMatch Jukebox. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese Credit Bureau, and Carte Blanche..

 Purchase By Phone

To Upgrade by Phone, you may call our toll free number 1-800-347-2566 from North America, or 1-858-385-8388 Internationally. We offer 24 hour order processing by phone and our sales staff will be happy to assist you in Upgrading to the full-featured version of MusicMatch Jukebox.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Japanese Credit Bureau, and Carte Blanche..

Purchase by Mail

Purchase by Mail is the only option that will allow you to register your program without using a credit card. Choose the Purchase by Mail option and enter your personal information on the resulting page. Print the form and mail, with payment, to our corporate offices at:


16935 W Bernardo Dr.
Ste. 270
San Diego, CA 92127

You may send payment by check, cash, or money order. Checks and money orders must be drawn from a US bank and all funds must be in US$. Your Upgrade request will be processed the same day it is received and your enable Key will be emailed to you promptly.





Choose Quit from File menu to close the MusicMatch program.





MP3 Encoding

Using your commercial music CD's you can encode your own MP3 and AIFF files to create an extensive Music Library.

  1. Click the Rec (Recorder) button on the Player, or choose the menu Window/Recorder to open the Recorder screen.

  2. Insert an audio CD in your CD-ROM drive.

  3. CDDB will read your CD and attempt to return track information. If successful, CDDB will fill in the Track Name, Artist Name, Album name, and Track Number. If CDDB does not return any information then that CD is not part of the CDDB database and you will need to manually enter in the Tag information after recording is completed.

  4. Under Edit/Preferences/Recorder select the type of file to record too, either MP3, MP3 VBR, or AIFF (See setting for each, below).

  5. Click the Change button under Edit/Preferences/Recorder/Save Songs In  to choose the folder where your new files will be saved to.

  6. Click the All button to select all tracks to record, or hold the Command (Apple) button and click only those tracks you'd like to record to MP3 or AIFF.  Click the Record button on the Recorder.

  7. MusicMatch will start to record MP3 files from the music CD.

  8. At the bottom of the Recorder window you will see a progress indicator. When complete the indicator will be at 100%, and the track will be added to your Music Library.

There are many Recorder Settings to help you create an MP3/AIFF file that best suits your taste. Choose from a high compression, lower quality file for a smaller file size, or choose a low compression, higher quality file for CD quality sound.


Recording Quality (Accessible from Edit/Preferences/Recorder)

CD Quality

  • MP3 ( 160 kbps 9:1 compression ratio) Creates an MP3 file with a very low compression, and with very high sound quality. For this setting, 1 minute of music will equal approximately 1.5 MB of disk space.

  • MP3 (128 kbps 11:1 compression ratio) Creates an MP3 file equal to CD quality sound. For this setting, 1 minute of music will equal approximately 1MB of disk space.

  • AIFF (uncompressed 1:1 compression ratio) Uses no compression is equal to CD quality sound. For this setting, 1 minute of music will equal approximate 10MB of disk space.

Near CD Quality

  • MP3 (96 kbps 15:1 compression ratio) Creates an MP3 file near the same quality as a music CD. For this setting, 1 minute of music will equal approximately 700k of disk space.

FM Radio Quality

  • MP3 ( 64 kbps 22:1 compression ratio) Creates an MP3 file with the same sound quality as an FM radio station. For this setting, 1 minute of music will equal approximately 400k of disk space.

Custom Quality

(Important Note: Tracks recorded below 24kbps may be recorded in mono, not stereo)

MP3 VBR - Variable Bit Rate encoding is an encoding method that ensures consistently high audio quality throughout an encoded file by making intelligent bit-allocation decisions during the encoding process.

Use VBR encoding when consistent audio quality is the top priority and predictable MP3 file size is not critical.

Choose a VBR setting from 1 to 100, low end being the lowest quality/highest compression and high end being the highest quality/lowest compression, to customize your recording.

Variable Bit Rate encoded files may be larger than Constant Bit Rate encoded files.

Not all players (Jukeboxes or other types of MP3 players) support Variable Bit Rate encoding, however the MusicMatch Jukebox and Winamp players both support this technology.

MP3 CBR - Constant Bit Rate Encoding is a method that ensures a consistent bit rate throughout an encoded file, potentially at the expense of audio quality and/or Encoder efficiency.

Use CBR encoding when you need to limit the size of the MP3 file or produce consistent file sizes.

Choose a CBR setting from 16kbps to 320kbps from the Record Settings screen, to customize your recording. Generally, files encoded faster than 128kbps, will have little or no sound quality improvement.

Constant Bit Rate encoded files may be smaller than Variable Bit Rate encoded files, of a comparable encoding speed, for example a song recorded in CBR at 128kbps may be smaller than the same song recorded in VBR at 50.

”MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed by Fraunhofer IIS





Recorder Control Buttons

Start -  Click the Start button to start recording from commercial music CD's to mp3 format.

Stop -  Use the Stop button to stop the current recording session and clear your recording choices.

Cancel -  Use the Cancel button to stop the current recording session, but not clear your recording choices.

Eject -  Use the Eject button to eject the CD from your computer.

All -  Use the All button to select All tracks from your CD to record.

None -  Use the None button to unselect all tracks checked to record.

Refresh -  Use the Refresh button to read your CD if you have inserted a new CD, or the CD information is not showing. (See CDDB and Tag Info).





Save Music Library

To Save a new or existing Music Library:

  1. Go to the menu Controls/Music Library/Save Music Library

  2. In the Name field at the bottom of the window, enter in the name of your new Music Library.

  3. Click the New button to select a destination for this Music Library, or simply select your Desktop, or MusicMatch folder.

  4. Click Save.




Save Playlist

Save a Playlist of your favorite music to listen to in the future.

  1. Be sure there is music in your Playlist to save.

  2. Click the Save button on the Playlist.

  3. You will be prompted to name the Playlist. In the Name field, type the name you'd like to give this Playlist.

  4. Click the Save button.

You now have a saved Playlist that you can Open in the future to play again.

The saved list will be saved in your MusicMatch folder by default.

Note: Once you save a Playlist it is important that you do not move the actual MP3 files as the Playlist links to the original file location. If you need to move your MP3 files to a different folder or drive, you'll need to recreate your Playlist.




Small View

Small View reduces the size of the Player window to about the size of a small pager, while offering all of the functionality you need to play your music. It will display the track info screen and Player Control Buttons.

To use Small View, click the minimize  button on the top, right corner of the Playlist.

In Small View, click  maximize to return to Full View. When you launch MusicMatch Jukebox, the Player will open in Full View.




Tag Info


Tag information is the Artist and Track info you see in the Track Info window as you play an MP3 file. Tags also include CD cover art, lyrics, tempo, and more.  Many of your MP3 files will already have some information filled in. However, while playing a track, if you see 'Track 1, 2, 3' and so on, then the Tag info needs to be edited.


Note: Inserting Tag Info is optional, however using Tag Info will help you take full advantage of other MusicMatch features such as Auto DJ.


To edit Tag information

  1. Highlight a song in the Music Library and click the Tag button to open the MP3 Tag Editor screen.

  2. Fill in the fields that you are interested in preserving. The Track Title and Lead Artist fields are the two that display when you play a track, so you'll want to fill in those fields at the very least. Explanation of fields.

  3. Once you have filled in the Tag info, click the OK button to update the track. (See CDDB for additional info).

Editing Multiple Tags.

You may have an entire album that needs Tag info added to it, or multiple tracks by the same artist.  

  1. Edit multiple tracks quickly by highlighting tracks with a similar Tag association (i.e. they are from the same album, artist, or they are all good Dance tunes) and click the Tag button in the music library.
  2. Fill in the tag(s) that each track has in common and click Save.  
  3. Every track you highlighted in the music library will now have the updated tag information. 

If you add songs to your Music Library that have track information associated with them using ID3 tags, MusicMatch will recognize and display that data in the Track Info screen while that track plays.




Tag Definitions

Select the check boxes to apply the fields to all the tracks from the same CD.


Track Title - The name of the song.
Track Number - The song number on the CD.

Record Year - The year the CD was commercially recorded.
Lead Artist - The name of the singer, or band.
Album - The name of the CD (not always the name of the artist).
Audio File URL - The web address where you can find this particular MP3 file.
Buy CD URL - The web site where you can purchase the CD for this track.
Artist URL - The official artist website or fan club website.
Genre - The style of music this track is i.e...Rock, Rap, Classical etc.
Situation - Decide what this music is best for. Either a party, dance, dinner, seasonal etc...
- Rate the track from Bad Taste to Excellent. Or None.
Tempo - Rate the track from Slow to Fast. Or None.
Mood - Rate the track from Comatose (really, really boring), to Wild.





Technical Support

If you are unable to resolve your technical problem using these help files, the FAQ's, or the User Guides online, choose Request Technical Support from the Help menu.

This will launch a dialog requesting you to upload your diagnostic information. This diagnostic log will supply the technician with the information needed to determine what the problem is. Allowing this information to uploaded initially will speed up the Technical Support process.

Choosing Request Technical Support will also launch your web browser to a form where you can provide a detailed explanation of the problem you are encountering. A MusicMatch technician will reply within 24 hours.





Track Info

MusicMatch Jukebox offers extensive information about your favorite music as it plays in MusicMatch Jukebox*. In the Track Info window you will see available cover art, a discography, biography and song clips. In addition, you are shown music you might want to try or buy if you like your current selection. The recommendations are based on the MusicMatch community listening preferences.

  • While a track is playing click the Track Info button  to open the Track Info screen. The Track Info button is located on the Player screen, regardless of the selected theme. 

*Internet connection required




Troubleshooting Recorder

General Information: To maximize the Jukebox features, you must have sufficient processing power (166 MHz or greater) and have a good CD-ROM drive. About 25% of the drives currently on the market do not support digital audio extraction. You may need to use the analog option if you have one of these drives.

General recording problems: Recording capability is influenced by two factors: Your CD-ROM drive and your system's processing power. For best recording performance, in any mode:

  • Avoid simultaneously running other applications that would drain the CPU’s power (graphics programs, scanners, other compressors, etc.)

  • Avoid simultaneously running other applications, which are writing to the hard drive.

  • Certain configurations, which cause the operating system to crash, such as low memory or many open windows, will also affect recording quality.

Program will not record in digital mode: Your drive is either unable to extract digital information, or is unable to accurately seek the digital information and producing too much jitter. Most likely you will need to use analog mode. The program will automatically switch to analog if this is the case.

  • Occasionally a drive will record in digital and then other times it will fail. This is due to the quality of the CD being recorded.

  • If you have a borderline drive for digital recording, and your songs do not sound very good, it is best to use the analog mode.

  • Make sure you have a CD in the drive during first program initialization.

Recording process will not begin: Make sure your Multimedia CD-ROM player is not running.

Track recorded from CD ROM records in analog, but when played, there is no sound: Check all volume settings to make sure none are muted.

Song sounds warbled at times: This happens when there is an application running during recording which requires a large amount of processing power. Typical conflicts are any graphics program, including a screensaver, and all scanners. These applications will also warble a song that happens to be playing (although it will not affect that file permanently).

Song speeds up and slows during play: this occurs in analog mode when you have insufficient processing power or memory. To reduce or eliminate this effect, you should close all other applications during recording.





Update Software

This option allows you to update to the latest version of MusicMatch Jukebox when one is available on the internet.

  • From the Register menu, choose Update.

  • Run the new setup file and install it to the default MusicMatch Jukebox folder.

Your database of digital music files will not be affected by an update.

If you update from an earlier version you will need a new Key.




About MusicMatch Jukebox.

At times you will need to know what Version of MusicMatch Jukebox you are running. Choose About MusicMatch Jukebox from the Help menu to find the complete version number.

Copyright and other legal verbiage will also be found here.